Affiliate and Sub-Affiliate Members

Affiliate Members

These are institutions that are unable to independently meet the ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group’s (ECOG-ACRIN) requirements to become a Main Member and are therefore sponsored by another member institution–either a Standing Main Member, Scientific Main Member, or a Special Participant Member.

Requirements and Benefits:

  • For enrollment of patients into clinical trials, assign at least six accrual credits per year to ECOG-ACRIN
  • Although there is no requirement for scientific or administrative leadership, ECOG-ACRIN encourages personnel from Affiliate Member institutions to participate in these roles

Sub-Affiliate Members

These are health care practices that are usually under the same financial and governance structure as the parent Affiliate Member. They have unique Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP) site codes (separate from the parent), which they must use when registering patients into clinical trials at their site. They do not have an annual accrual requirement. Any patients they enroll will count towards the parent’s annual requirement (see above). While not required, ECOG-ACRIN encourages personnel from these sites to participate in Group activities.

ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group