ECOG-ACRIN is offering travel grants to encourage radiation oncologists to attend group meetings in person and to actively participate in the development of radiation oncology-driven clinical trials and secondary analyses from completed studies. This program is open to trainees as well as investigators at all stages of development who are interested in the development of cancer clinical trials.
This conference is scheduled to be held in Tampa, FL from Tuesday, May 13 to Thursday, May 15, 2025. Awardees will receive further information regarding meeting-related expenses that will be covered or reimbursed, including transportation, lodging, and meals.
Application Process and Deadline:
Applicants should submit an email to Anuradha (Bapsi) Chakravarthy, MD (Vanderbilt University), Chair of the ECOG-ACRIN Radiation Oncology Committee, at that includes the following documents as pdf files. The deadline for submission will be March 21, 2025, 11:59 pm (Eastern Time). Applications should also include an email address for future contact.
(1) Write a brief cover letter explaining your motivation for attending the meeting. If you wish to discuss a research concept (which may be at any stage of development), please briefly describe any ongoing work or data that may support your proposal.
(2) Attach a current curriculum vitae or NIH-style biosketch.
Eligibility Criteria and Review Process
This program is open to trainees, residents, and investigators in radiation oncology at any stage of their career who are interested in developing clinical trials. Based on the number of applications and the availability of funds, completed applications will be reviewed and ranked with preference given to junior investigators (including senior residents), physicians with potential trial/study concepts, and ECOG-ACRIN membership status of the applicant’s institution. Awardees will be notified via email by Monday, March 31, 2025.