Cancer Control and Survivorship Committee
The Cancer Control and Survivorship Committee aims to reduce the morbidity of cancer and its treatments and to improve patients’ quality of life. This committee focuses on patients diagnosed with cancer, receiving treatment, or in follow-up. It focuses on understanding distress experienced by cancer patients and potential interventions; biomarker-driven symptom intervention research, and understanding and mitigating cardiotoxicity risk.
Two specialty subcommittees and one working group, shown below, incubate scientific ideas into trial concepts while the main committee convenes and facilitates interactions across the subcommittees and across the Group. Scroll down to see the leadership.
Cancer Control and Survivorship Committee
Community Co-Chair
Lynne I. Wagner, PhD
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
David Cella, PhD
Northwestern University, Institute for Public Health and Medicine – Center for Patient-Centered Outcomes
Michael A. Thompson, MD, PhD
In Transition