January 23, 2024

Press Release Archive

January 22, 2024

Statement by Drs. O’Dwyer and Schnall on the passing of Edith Mitchell, MD

January 17, 2024

Press Release: ECOG-ACRIN research team led by Michael Atkins, MD receives Journal of Clinical Oncology 2023 Paper of the Year

December 11, 2023

Press Release: Encouraging results in mantle cell lymphoma from PrECOG

November 16, 2023

Statement on the passing of Dr. Worta McCaskill-Stevens

November 15, 2023

Press Release: ECOG-ACRIN and PrECOG announce multiple presentations at ASH 2023

July 20, 2023

Press Release: ECOG-ACRIN adds a new treatment trial to the ComboMATCH precision medicine initiative

June 16, 2023

Media Advisory: Nature Medicine publishes key lessons from NCI-MATCH to guide future precision medicine trials

June 1, 2023

Press Release: ComboMATCH investigators are translating robust pre-clinical evidence for new anti-cancer drug combinations into a series of early-phase clinical trials

ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group