Learn about the EA8191/INDICATE study, treating #ProstateCancer that has come back after surgery with apalutamide and targeted radiation based on PET imaging. More information: bit.ly/indicate-trial #pcsm
Clinical study EA3191 is testing a new treatment approach for patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (#HNSCC) that has come back after initial therapy. Learn more: bit.ly/ea3191-study #HeadAndNeckCancer #HNCA
Do you have advanced non-small cell #LungCancer and are aged 70 or older? If so, you may be able to participate in this study of a new treatment approach. Learn more: bit.ly/ea5221-achieve cc: @DrSteveMartin @efratdotan @CPresGeriOncMD
In honor of #BloodCancerAwarenessMonth , learn about #ClinicalTrial EA9171! This trial is studying a potential new treatment for patients with chronic myelogenous #leukemia (#CML). More info: bit.ly/ea9171-study #leusm #BCAM cc: @Dr_AmerZeidan
The EAF223/GABLE clinical study is testing different imaging techniques that could help make better predictions about #BrainCancer progression. Learn more here: bit.ly/gable-trial
cc: @DukeRadiology, @glioblastf, @gbmfoundation
#Clinicaltrial EA8184, led by Dr. Nagi Kumar of @MoffittNews will evaluate if #greentea catechins can help prevent the progression of #prostatecancer in men on active surveillance. Learn more here: bit.ly/ea8184-trial #pcsm cc: @jpowsang
Don't miss this Letter to the Editor by E1912 lead investigator Tait Shanafelt et al @BrJHaem-Pericardial events associated with ibrutinib-based therapies for #ChronicLymphocyticLeukemia in 2 landmark studies-E1912 & A041202 @ALLIANCE_org onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/bj… #CLL #LKSM
#ClinicalTrial EAQ222CD/CostCOM, led by @GelarehSadigh, is testing the effectiveness of cost communication and financial navigation in patients with #cancer. If you have any newly diagnosed #SolidCancer, you may be able to participate.
Have you had surgery for squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (#HNSCC) that has come back? If so, you may be able to participate in this study of a potential new treatment. Learn more: bit.ly/ea3191-study #HeadAndNeckCancer #HNCA
Imagine a future where #breastcancer screening is tailored to your individual risk factors. The TMIST trial could help make this possible. Learn more: bit.ly/tmist #bcsm #TMIST4BC cc: @RadiologyACR @NCIprevention
The MM1OA-EA02 clinical study is testing a new treatment approach for patients with #AcuteMyeloidLeukemia who are age 60 or older. Learn more: bit.ly/mm1oa-ea02-stu… #AML #leukemia
#ClinicalTrial EA8211/SOAR, led by @Raquib_Hannan of @utswcancer, aims to improve the care and quality of life of certain patients with #KidneyCancer. Learn more: bit.ly/ea8211-study #kcsm
Kudos to @SaintAlsHealth for enrolling their first patient in #ClinicalTrial EA5182. This study explores AZD9291 (osimertinib) with or without bevacizumab as initial treatment for patients with EGFR-mutant #LungCancer. bit.ly/ea5182 cc: @HelenaYu923, @DrSteveMartin
Do you have #Cancer (any form of #SolidTumor) that has been recently diagnosed, & a new prescription for cancer medication? If so, you may be able to participate in a research study that aims to reduce #FinancialHardship. More info here: bit.ly/EAQ222CD cc: @GelarehSadigh
.@skmaithel of @WinshipAtEmory is leading EA2197/OPT-IN, a #ClinicalTrial for patients with incidentally discovered stage 2-3 #GallbladderCancer. Find more information here: bit.ly/EA2197 #gicsm
Do you have #HER2positive #BreastCancer? If so, you may be eligible to participate in the phase 2 #ClinicalTrial EA1211/DIRECT, testing if FDG-PET/CT imaging can better predict a patient's response to treatment than the usual approach. Learn more: bit.ly/EA1211
ComboMATCH/EAY191-E5 tests how well #sotorasib with or without #panitumumab can treat patients with advanced #SolidTumors. For more information: bit.ly/combomatch-e5 cc: @NCItreatment, @kspencer725, @DocDustyD #PrecisionMedicine
.@Dr_AmerZeidan of @SmilowCancer & @YaleCancer is leading clinical study EA9171, testing if adding a new drug to the usual treatment for chronic myelogenous #leukemia could help patients. Learn more: bit.ly/ea9171-study #CML #leusm
In #ClinicalTrial EA2222/PUMP, investigators are testing #PumpChemo in addition to SOC chemo versus SOC chemo alone for patients with unresectable #ColorectalCancer liver metastases. For more: bit.ly/ea2222-pump cc : @michael_lidsky, @AndreaCercek
ICYMI "E3311 was a multidisciplinary effort by medical oncologists, surgeons, and radiation oncologists, spotlighting the importance of high-level collaboration when treating #headandneckcancer. It was one of the 1st trials to use surgical credentialing."
#Clinicaltrial EA8184, led by Dr. Nagi Kumar of @MoffittNews will evaluate if #greentea catechins can help prevent the progression of #prostatecancer in men on active surveillance. Learn more here: bit.ly/ea8184trial #pcsm cc: @jpowsang
There is still time to submit a research abstract for early-career investigators interested in presenting your research as part of the upcoming Fall 2024 Group Meeting. The submission deadline is tomorrow, Thursday, September 12 at 11:59 PM (Eastern Time). ecog-acrin.org/research/mento…
Do you have advanced #cancer that has become worse following treatment, or advanced cancer for which no standard treatment exists? If so, you may be able to join the #ComboMATCH #PrecisionMedicine study. Learn more: bit.ly/ComboMATCH
ComboMATCH/EAY191-E5 tests how well #sotorasib with or without #panitumumab can treat patients with advanced #SolidTumors. For more information: bit.ly/combomatch-e5 cc: @NCItreatment, @kspencer725, @DocDustyD #PrecisionMedicine
#ClinicalTrial EAQ221CD/CONCURxP monitors CDK4/6 inhibitor medication use with text message reminders & alerts for patients treated for #BreastCancer. For more information: bit.ly/EAQ221CD #bcsm cc: @GelarehSadigh, @ilana_graetz
#ClinicalTrial EA2222/PUMP, led by @michael_lidsky, is a randomized phase 3 study of #SystemicTherapy with or without hepatic arterial infusion for unresectable #Colorectal liver metastases. More here: bit.ly/ea2222-pump cc: @MichaelDAngeli2, @skmaithel, @AndreaCercek
There is one week left to submit an abstract for the 2024 Young Investigator Symposium!
The Symposium is an opportunity for early-career researchers to share their work, connect w/ experienced investigators, & learn about potential research opportunities. ecog-acrin.org/research/mento…
Principles in bsAb engineering, current understanding, & perspective on ongoing challenges by @mer_herreraMD @gedefo_sefh @pmcancercentre sciencedirect.com/science/articl… Thus far 7 bsAbs have been approved, including blinatumomab based on the results of the landmark @EAonc trial E1910.
The EA3211 clinical study is testing a potential new treatment for patients with #HeadAndNeckCancer that has spread to a limited number of places. Learn more: bit.ly/ea3211-study #hncsm
Do you have #ProstateCancer that has returned after prostatectomy? If so, you may be able to participate in this study of potential new treatment approaches. Learn more about the EA8191/INDICATE study: bit.ly/indicate-trial #pcsm #ProstateCancerAware
The #ComboMATCH Study, led by researchers from @StanfordCancer, @MDAndersonNews, @PennCancer, & @NCItreatment, is testing new combinations of anti-#cancer drugs, based on the characteristics of patients’ tumors. Learn more: bit.ly/ComboMATCH #PrecisionMedicine
The EA5221/ACHIEVE clinical study is testing two different treatment approaches for older adults with advanced non-small cell #LungCancer. Learn more: bit.ly/ea5221-achieve #NSCLC #LCSM
#ClinicalTrial EAQ221CD/CONCURxP monitors CDK4/6 inhibitor medication use with text message reminders & alerts for patients treated for #BreastCancer. For more information: bit.ly/EAQ221CD #bcsm cc: @GelarehSadigh, @ilana_graetz
Do you have #esophageal or #GastricCancer that has spread to a number of places in your body? If the #cancer has spread to 1–3 places, you may be able to participate in #clinicaltrial EA2183. For more info: bit.ly/ea2183
Are you a teen or young adult #lymphoma survivor that has finished treatment? If so, you may be eligible to participate in the @cancergenomics_ study that could make a positive impact on the #AYA #cancer community. Learn more: bit.ly/eaq211-study #AYACancer #AYACSM
Learn about the EA8191/INDICATE study, treating #ProstateCancer that has come back after surgery with apalutamide and targeted radiation based on PET imaging. More information: bit.ly/ea8191indicate #pcsm
Have you had surgery for squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (#HNSCC) that has come back? If so, you may be able to participate in this study of a potential new treatment. Learn more: bit.ly/ea3191-study #HeadAndNeckCancer #HNCA
Ask your doctor about this important trial for healthy women that could improve #breastcancer screening strategies in the future. Learn more: bit.ly/tmist #bcsm #TMIST4BC cc: @RadiologyACR @NCIprevention
#ClinicalTrial MM1OA-EA02, led by @jaltmanmd of @LurieCancer, aims to improve results for older adults with #AcuteMyeloidLeukemia (#AML). Learn more: bit.ly/ea3211-study #BloodCancer #leukemia
EA2174 lead Jennifer Eads @PennCancer covers the findings. The trial added nivolumab to neoadjuvant chemoradiation for pts w esophageal/GEJ cancer. Insight = Further analysis is needed on how radiation impacts the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors. youtube.com/watch?v=lAIQQL…
Do you have #KidneyCancer (#RenalCellCarcinoma) that has spread to 2-5 other locations in your body? If so, you may be able to participate in this study of a potential new treatment. Learn more: bit.ly/ea8211-study #kcsm
The EAQ211/@cancergenomics_ clinical study is evaluating the impact of social and genetic factors on outcomes in adolescent & young adult (#AYA) #cancer survivors. Learn more: bit.ly/eaq211-study #AYACancer #AYACSM
Do you have #ProstateCancer that has returned after prostatectomy? If so, you may be able to participate in this study of potential new treatment approaches. Learn more about the EA8191/INDICATE study: bit.ly/ea8191indicate #pcsm #ProstateCancerAware cc: @nehavapiwala
EA2197 is a randomized phase 2/3 #ClinicalTrial assessing the optimal perioperative approach for patients with incidental #GallbladderCancer. Learn more: bit.ly/EA2197 cc: @skmaithel @WinshipAtEmory
Do you have #HER2positive #BreastCancer? If so, you may be eligible to participate in the phase 2 #ClinicalTrial EA1211/DIRECT, testing if FDG-PET/CT imaging can better predict a patient's response to treatment than the usual approach. Learn more: bit.ly/EA1211
.@Dr_AmerZeidan of @SmilowCancer & @YaleCancer is leading clinical study EA9171, testing if adding a new drug to the usual treatment for chronic myelogenous #leukemia could help patients. Learn more: bit.ly/ea9171-study #CML #leusm
The EA8211/SOAR clinical study is testing a new treatment approach for patients with #KidneyCancer that has spread to 2-5 other places in the body. Learn more: bit.ly/ea8211-study #kcsm
#ClinicalTrial EA2183, led by @NataliyaUboha of @UWHealth, is testing the addition of #radiotherapy to chemotherapy for patients w/ #esophageal and #GastricCancer. For more: bit.ly/ea2183 #StomachCancer #GICSM #esocsm
The EAQ211/@cancergenomics_ clinical study is evaluating the impact of social and genetic factors on outcomes in adolescent & young adult (#AYA) #cancer survivors. Learn more: bit.ly/eaq211-study #AYACancer #AYACSM
.@skmaithel of @WinshipAtEmory is leading EA2197/OPT-IN, a #ClinicalTrial for patients with incidentally discovered stage 2-3 #GallbladderCancer. Find more information here: bit.ly/EA2197 #gicsm
EA1211/DIRECT aims to help doctors make better (more personalized) decisions around treatment for #patients with #HER2positive #BreastCancer. Consider learning more about this phase 2 #clinicaltrial if you have HER2-positive breast cancer. For more info: bit.ly/EA1211
ComboMATCH/EAY191-E5 tests how well #sotorasib with or without #panitumumab can treat patients with advanced #SolidTumors. For more information: bit.ly/combomatch-e5 cc: @NCItreatment, @kspencer725, @DocDustyD #PrecisionMedicine
Do you have chronic myelogenous #leukemia (#CML)? If so, you may be able to participate in this study of a potential new treatment. Learn more: bit.ly/ea9171-study #leusm #BloodCancer
Do you have newly diagnosed #Glioblastoma? If so, you may be able to participate in this study of a new treatment approach. Learn more about EAF223/GABLE here: bit.ly/gable-trial
.@michael_lidsky of @DukeSurgOnc and @DukeCancer is leading EA2222/PUMP, a randomized phase 3 study for patients with #Colorectal liver metastases. Learn more: bit.ly/ea2222-pump cc : @CCAlliance, @FightCRC, @NCCRTnews
Could #greentea catechins help prevent the progression of #prostatecancer in men on active surveillance? #Clinicaltrial EA8184, led by Dr. Nagi Kumar of @MoffittNews, aims to find out. Learn more: bit.ly/ea8184trial #pcsm cc: @jpowsang
Do you have squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck that has spread to a limited number of places? If so, you may be eligible to participate in this study of a potential new treatment. Learn more: bit.ly/ea3211-study #HeadAndNeckCancer #HNSCC
Kudos to @UMRogelCancer for enrolling their first patient in phase III randomized #ClinicalTrial EA9181! This study is for adults with newly diagnosed BCR-ABL-positive acute lymphoblastic #leukemia. Learn more: bit.ly/ea9181trial #ALL #leusm
The #ComboMATCH Study, led by researchers from @StanfordCancer, @MDAndersonNews, @PennCancer, & @NCItreatment, is testing new combinations of anti-#cancer drugs, based on the characteristics of patients’ tumors. Learn more: bit.ly/ComboMATCH #PrecisionMedicine
The EA5221/ACHIEVE clinical study is testing two different treatment approaches for older adults with advanced non-small cell #LungCancer. Learn more: bit.ly/ea5221-achieve #NSCLC #LCSM
#ClinicalTrial EAQ221CD/CONCURxP strives to improve medication adherence in #metastatic #BreastCancer patients. If you have a new prescription for a CDK4/6 inhibitor you may be eligible. Learn more here: bit.ly/EAQ221CD
The EAF223/GABLE clinical study is testing different imaging techniques that could help make better predictions about #BrainCancer progression. Learn more here: bit.ly/gable-trial
cc: @DukeRadiology, @glioblastf, @gbmfoundation
Don't miss this story of resilience. It tells how one patient’s role in #clinicaltrial E1910 for acute lymphocytic leukemia therapy brought a cancer-free diagnosis and FDA approval. Thank you, Becky Yu + @SelinaLugerMD @PennCancer, for sharing your story. #blinatumomab #blincyto x.com/PennCancer/sta…
#ClinicalTrial EA2183, led by @NataliyaUboha of @UWHealth, is testing the addition of #radiotherapy to chemotherapy for patients w/ #esophageal and #GastricCancer. For more: bit.ly/ea2183 #StomachCancer #GICSM #esocsm
The EA3211 clinical study is testing a potential new treatment for patients with #HeadAndNeckCancer that has spread to a limited number of places. Learn more: bit.ly/ea3211-study #hncsm
#ClinicalTrial EAQ222CD/CostCOM, led by @GelarehSadigh, is testing the effectiveness of cost communication and financial navigation in patients with #cancer. If you have any newly diagnosed #SolidCancer, you may be able to participate. bit.ly/EAQ222CD
The ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group is a strong network of nearly 1300 academic and community-based cancer centers and hospitals in the United States and around the world. We design and conduct biomarker-driven research involving adults who have or are at risk of developing cancer. Learn More
We are dedicated to improving life for adults affected by cancer. Through our member sites, we are pursuing a robust clinical and translational research portfolio that focuses on precision oncology, immunotherapy, reducing over-treatment and over-diagnosis, leveraging novel biomarker platforms to inform therapeutic decision-making, and advancing standards of care in broad populations of cancer patients and those at risk. Learn More
Active Clinical Trials
Participating Institutions
International Sites
Individual Members
Scientifically rigorous, broadly multidisciplinary, organizationally robust, and internationally respected, the Group is a vibrant component of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN). In addition, we are a Research Base in the NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP).