Comis Symposium – Fall 2023

Robert L. Comis, MD Translational Science Symposium
Therapy Optimization
October 25, 2023
Washington, DC
A highlight of the ECOG-ACRIN Group Meeting

This symposium is named for the ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group’s late Group Co-Chair Robert L. Comis, MD (pictured at left). The potential of translational science to advance cancer diagnosis, prevention, and treatment was a guiding passion for Dr. Comis, and the symposium honors him in this way. Learn more about Dr. Comis here.



Peter J. O’Dwyer, MD and Mitchell D. Schnall, MD, PhD
ECOG-ACRIN Group Co-Chairs, University of Pennsylvania


David A. Mankoff, MD, PhD
University of Pennsylvania


Optimization of Therapy: Personalization with Possible Pitfalls
Kim A. Reiss, MD
University of Pennsylvania

New Technologies to Improve Liquid Biopsy Testing
Viktor A. Adalsteinsson, PhD
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Regulatory Perspective: ctDNA in Oncology Clinical Trials
Harpreet Singh, MD
US Food and Drug Administrationa

Resistance Mechanisms Uncovered by ctDNA Sequencing: Planning for the Long Haul
Dustin A. Deming, MD
University of Wisconsin

Changes in ctDNA as an Early Endpoint in Lung Cancer Clinical Trials
Mark Stewart, PhD
Friends of Cancer Research

Can Interception of Minimal Residual Disease Prevent ER-Positive Breast Cancer Recurrence?
Angela M. DeMichele, MD, MSCE
University of Pennsylvania

Leveraging Molecular Dependencies for the Development of Imaging Biomarkers That Inform Therapy
Terence P. Gade, MD, PhD
University of Pennsylvania

Using Steroid Receptor Imaging Biomarkers to Guide Therapy Optimization for Breast Cancer
Amy M. Fowler, MD, PhD
University of Wisconsin

Granzyme B PET Imaging for Immuno-Oncology Therapy Guidance
Umar Mahmood, MD, PhD
Massachusetts General Hospital


Download the printed program to read speaker bios.



ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group