Young Investigator Symposium
The Young Investigator Symposium is a professional mentoring event that takes place annually at the Fall Group Meeting of the ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group (ECOG-ACRIN). The symposium introduces young investigators to ECOG-ACRIN, providing them with the opportunity to give a 10-minute oral presentation of their research project and respond to questions. Through this event, young investigators meet other investigators, learn about potential research opportunities early in their careers, and furnish the ECOG-ACRIN community with new research approaches.
While at the ECOG-ACRIN group meeting, young investigators are invited to observe scientific committee meetings, participate in educational sessions for clinical trial professionals, and network one-on-one with attendees. Like the question and answer session during the symposium itself, these interactions are valuable to young investigators, given that the more senior, long-standing ECOG-ACRIN researchers and investigators have broad experience in clinical research disciplines, imaging research, and translational science.
Awardees do not receive research grant funding; however, ECOG-ACRIN covers travel and lodging costs associated with meeting attendance.
The Mentoring Program Committee selects up to eight young investigators annually to be a symposium presenter. Criteria used to judge the applications include scientific innovation, significance, and ultimate potential for clinical impact.
Eligibility Criteria
To be considered for this award, an individual must meet all of the following criteria:
- Currently in post-graduate training, or has completed post-graduate training within the last 10 years
- Engaged in clinical, translational, imaging, or basic cancer research, or in non-cancer-related research that has application to cancer biology, prevention, screening, diagnosis, imaging, or treatment
- Conducting research at, or working under a mentor at, an institution that is a member of any research group addressing cancer in adults in the National Cancer Institute’s National Clinical Trials Network. These groups include the Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology, Canadian Cancer Trials Group, ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group, NRG Oncology, and SWOG Cancer Research Network.
- Able to present research that is not entirely duplicative of work already published in the medical literature or presented at a major scientific meeting (eg, American Society of Clinical Oncology, American Society of Hematology, Radiological Society of North America), or that is reporting substantive new information since publication/presentation
Submission Instructions
- Download and save the form locally (to your own computer) as a document with a unique file name. Applicants must save the form locally to preserve the content for subsequent editing.
- The abstract section must not exceed 2800 characters (approximately 400 words), including spaces, but not author names or institutions. You may include optional supporting materials, such as reference listings and tables and figures.
- Attach the completed form to an email, along with optional supporting materials. You MUST include all documents in the same email as the application form to be considered (ie, do not submit them in separate emails).
- Address the email to the Mentoring Program Administrator (see below)
- Await a reply email from the administrator. If you do not receive confirmation within two days, call 215.789.3609 for assistance.
History and Funding
This program was founded in 2001 by ECOG-ACRIN’s then group chair Robert L. Comis, MD and vice chair Joseph A. Sparano, MD (Mount Sinai Health System / The Tisch Cancer Institute). Funding for this program is provided by the ECOG Research and Education Foundation.
Submit research abstract forms for and direct inquiries about the Symposium to:
Deborah Deal
Mentoring Program Administrator
ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group
Phone: 215.789.3609
Awards of Distinction
Two presenters receive awards of distinction annually. Following the symposium, the Mentoring Program Committee meets to evaluate the presentations, taking into consideration the merit of the research, quality of the presentation delivery, command of the research topic, and ability to respond to research-related questions. The two recipients of the awards of distinction are announced and recognized at the meeting’s General Session, the plenary event when all attendees gather together.