Oncology Nursing Committee
This standing committee supports the mission of the ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group (ECOG-ACRIN) by being involved in the development of biomarker-driven protocols, supporting accrual, caring for the patients enrolled in the trials, and ensuring that participating sites and personnel comply with the elements of the trials.
Goals/Specific Aims
- Increase active nursing membership by strengthening participation and attendance within our committee
- Promote communication with the nursing members with monthly conference calls and through the user group on the website
- Continue to provide ongoing and effective participation in protocol design, review, and implementation. Assure that there is a nurse liaison to each committee and contribute to the review of protocols with a focus on feasibility and accrual at all points of protocol development.
- Collaborate with clinical research associates, pharmacists, and patient advocates around education and symptom management
- Provide nursing education for our members with continuing education credit
- Strengthen our accrual task force with a highlight of high priority trials and/or low accruing trials, by inviting PIs to discuss trials with our committee, have these trials highlighted at each meeting, and to have all nurse liaisons focus on accrual within their roles
- Develop an action strategy within the accrual task force for specific ideas/goals to increase accrual
- Consider the development of nursing protocols within the disease committee protocol design
- Collaborate with the patient advocates on a targeted approach to impact late effects in cancer and treatment

Bridget O’Brien Fagan, DNP, APN, FNP-BC, AOCNP
Northwestern University and Rush University

Stephanie J. (Smith) Reyes, RN, MSN, OCN
Georgia NCORP/
Nancy N. and J.C. Lewis Cancer and Research Pavilion at St. Joseph’s/Candler
Whether or not nurses are regular or occasional attendees of the semi-annual Group Meeting, all are welcome at the Oncology Nursing Committee sessions. The committee recognizes that to accomplish its goals, it is essential for its members to have a strong personal commitment and institutional support. The committee values all nurse’s input, experience, and participation.
Member Information
Download the Spring 2022 Member Information Packet
Opportunities for Involvement
There are a variety of opportunities for nurses to contribute individual talents to the Oncology Nursing Committee. Most of these opportunities require some institutional support, enough to attend at least one meeting per year. The time involvement for most activities is minimal. The potential opportunities include activity within any of the task forces, assisting with educational programs, website contributions, assisting with orientation of new members, and assisting with accrual. Anyone with specific disease site interest could consider serving as a nurse liaison. In addition, anyone with nursing research ideas is welcome to develop their ideas within the committee.
Training and Education
Visit the Training and Education section of the website to find out what materials are available.
Core Committee
The Oncology Nursing Committee leadership structure resembles other ECOG-ACRIN committees. A Core Committee, which consists of the committee Chair, Co-Chair, and Task Force Coordinators, oversees the full Oncology Nursing Committee, open to all. The Core Committee meets monthly via teleconference and in person bi-annually at Group meetings.
Task Forces
The task forces focus on specific projects that may be beneficial to ECOG-ACRIN. They support the Oncology Nursing Committee goals, the nursing members within ECOG-ACRIN, and the patients on clinical trials. At present, the five task forces and their coordinators are:
Accrual: Xin Zhong
Education: Stephanie Smith
Nurse Liaison: Bridget O’Brien Fagan
Outcomes: Bridget O’Brien Fagan
Website: Stephanie Smith
Nurse Liaisons
Nursing liaisons provide input on nursing practices and lend patient care perspectives to all committees within ECOG-ACRIN. These individuals share representation across nearly 30 committees in the Scientific Programs and Research Support Committees.
The nurse liaisons who serve in the disease-oriented committees in the Therapeutic Studies Program participate in the development of protocols for clinical trials. They also participate in any and all other work that pertains to these committees.
Stay Connected
For Group-wide resources, all committee members should follow the steps listed in the How to Be Connected section of this website.
This committee keeps its members up-to-date on committee activities via a website user group. Typically, the committee posts updates on the website before and after the semi-annual Group meetings. This benefits all members, particularly if they are unable to attend regularly. To find the Oncology Nursing User Group, click on the Member Login button at the top of this webpage and enter your login credentials. If you do not have a password, contact your main institution or send an email to the Membership Department.
Send an email to the committee chairs.