Patient Registration Trial in ComboMATCH

The ComboMATCH Patient Registration Trial (EAY191) is the gateway to a coordinated set of clinical trials to study cancer treatment directed by genetic testing. Genetic tests look at the unique genetic material (genes) of patients' tumor cells. Patients with some genetic changes or abnormalities (mutations) may benefit from treatment that targets that particular genetic mutation. ComboMATCH is designed to match patients to a treatment that may work to control their tumor.

For individuals interested in joining a ComboMATCH treatment trial, the first step is to enroll in the patient registration trial through their oncologist. This protocol, managed by the ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group, contains the rules for assigning patients to various treatment trials and other guidelines.

Pre-qualifications for patient registration:

  • Age: All treatment trials are for adults (18+) with one exception (children and young adults ages 3-40)
  • Cancer Type: Patients must have solid tumors that have spread to nearby tissue or lymph nodes (locally advanced) or have spread to other places in the body (advanced). Cancer must have progressed on at least one line of standard therapy or have no standard treatment that has been shown to prolong overall survival.
  • Location: Patients must be receiving care at a cancer center or community hospital in the United States that is participating in ComboMATCH
  • Tumor Testing: Patients must have a tumor test result that shows they have gene abnormalities being studied in ComboMATCH. They will learn this information from their oncologist.

Review the full eligibility criteria for the registration trial here.

About Tumor Testing

To find patients who may be eligible for the treatment trials, ComboMATCH relies upon standard tumor gene tests by participating laboratories. Physicians routinely order these tests to guide clinical care for their patients.

About Eligibility

It is possible that, even though a patient has tumor gene abnormalities that match one of the treatment trials in ComboMATCH, they will not be able to enroll in that trial. For example, they may not qualify for other reasons, such as previous drugs they took for cancer, the type of cancer, or their physical condition.


  • Patients interested in learning more about ComboMATCH should start by speaking with their doctor or healthcare team
  • Reach out to the Contact Center at the National Cancer Institute, where trained specialists answer cancer-related questions in English and Spanish
  • Study personnel with questions about ComboMATCH may send an email to the National Cancer Institute
ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group