Edith Peterson Mitchell, MD
Health Equity Travel Scholarships
Named for the late Edith P. Mitchell, MD, MACP, FCCP, FRCP (London), the acclaimed oncology physician, researcher, teacher, and health equity pioneer, these travel scholarships provide support to attend a semi-annual meeting of the ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group (ECOG-ACRIN). During the meetings, awardees will attend the Health Equity Committee session and have full access to numerous scientific sessions that highlight active and planned research studies in the areas of cancer control and outcomes, therapeutic studies, and biomarker sciences. Learn more about the Group meeting.
This program is open to trainees, including students, residents, fellows, and early career investigators, who self-identify with populations historically excluded from medicine and science. Please see this National Institutes of Health resource for more information on such populations. Please note that ECOG-ACRIN also acknowledges that sexual and gender minority (SGM) populations have historically been excluded from medicine and science.
This program is also open to researchers with a primary focus on health equity. However, applications from those who self-identify with populations historically excluded from medicine and science will be prioritized in the review process.
Search for Applicants
The Health Equity Committee, which oversees the program, reaches out twice a year to personnel in ECOG-ACRIN member institutions. The Spring 2025 Group meeting will be held in Tampa, FL from May 13 to 15 (T - Th).
Application Instructions
During the open application periods, interested individuals will submit an email that includes the following documents as pdf files. Applications will also include their email address and permanent mailing address for future contact.
- Current CV or biosketch
- Brief cover letter of interest describing:
- career goals and research interests
- relevant coursework and community service
- information or experience sought to be gained by attending the ECOG-ACRIN conference
- Letter of support from any of the following, if applicable: institutional department chair, section head, or division director, ECOG-ACRIN Principal Investigator or committee chair
- Individuals may apply with or without an institutional affiliation or contact
Criteria used to identify award winners will include the stage of career and alignment between career goals and ECOG-ACRIN research priorities. Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee comprised of ECOG-ACRIN committee chairs and investigators.
Applicants will be notified via email. Selected applicants will receive further information regarding meeting-related expenses that will be covered or reimbursed, including travel, lodging, and meals.
History and Funding
The ECOG-ACRIN Health Equity Committee established the travel scholarship program in 2017. The program honors Dr. Mitchell, who championed health equity and sought to build a more diverse and inclusive oncology workforce. Funding is provided by the ECOG Research and Education Foundation.
Submit applications and direct inquiries to the Travel Scholarships Administrator via email.
Edith P. Mitchell, MD

Application Periods:
Spring and Fall
Spring 2025 applications are tentatively scheduled to open in mid-March. Please check back for updates.

Dr. Mitchell, fifth from left, with travel scholars at a past meeting