Group Meetings

Group-wide meetings of the ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group (ECOG-ACRIN) occur twice a year and are open to researchers affiliated with member institutions, patient advocates who are members of ECOG-ACRIN's various scientific committees, industry representatives, and invited individuals from external (non-member) organizations. Group meetings are closed to the public.


  • Present the latest in basic, clinical, and translational research by Group leaders in the areas of cancer prevention, imaging, diagnosis, and treatment
  • Provide a forum for academic inquiry among physicians, clinical research professionals, patient advocates, and others
  • Host education sessions on engaging patients and the public in the clinical research process
  • Reinforce compliance with Group policies and procedures
  • Offer non-CME training and education workshops for research professionals

Future Group Meetings

Fall 2024: November 6 - 8 (W-F), Fort Lauderdale, FL

Spring 2025: May 13 - 15 (T-Th), Tampa, FL

Fall 2025: October 21 - 23 (T-Th), Philadelphia, PA

Spring 2026: May 5 - 7 (T-Th), Baltimore, MD

Fall 2026: October 20 - 22 (T-Th), Philadelphia, PA

Spring 2027: May 4 - 6 (T-Th), Baltimore, MD

Resources from Previous Meetings

Download the Spring 2024 Schedule

Download the Fall 2023 Schedule

Download the Spring 2023 Schedule

Session Resources and Recordings: We offer several pre-recorded presentations, videos, and slides from recent group meetings to download and view on demand. These resources are accessible to anyone with member log-in credentials, regardless of meeting attendance. To access the materials, click here.

Recordings for most open sessions are available on the Attendee Hub Website for 90 days following each meeting. Simply log in with your first name, last name, and the email address you used during registration. If you did not previously register for the meeting, you must first register for on-demand access and then log in to the Attendee Hub Website.

Register for On-Demand Access

Visit the Attendee Hub

Interested in becoming an industry sponsor or exhibitor for a future meeting?

Request a Group Meeting Prospectus from Christina Chink via phone at 215-789-3639 or send an email.

ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group