Paul Carbone, MD Fellowship Award
The Paul Carbone, MD Fellowship Award is a research grant that aims to develop and promote excellence in clinical trials leading to improvements in cancer care. Each year, the ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group (ECOG-ACRIN) names one outstanding senior oncology or hematology research fellow at a member institution to receive this award and associated professional recognition.
This one-time, one-year research grant may be applied to salary support for the investigator and research supplies needed to support their proposed research study. The amount of the award is currently $25,000. Funding is granted directly to the institution on the effective date of the award, which is July 1 of the year in which the recipient is named.
To be eligible for consideration, a physician should be able to conduct their research project during a fellowship. Therefore, they must meet all of the following criteria:
- Completed two years of a fellowship in oncology or hematology at an ECOG-ACRIN member institution in good standing before the award’s effective date of July 1
- Not yet appointed to a first full-time faculty position as of the award effective date
- Actively involved in a cancer clinical trial and planning to conduct related research activity in the upcoming year
Application Requirements
Interested individuals meeting the eligibility criteria should apply by email. There is no application form. However, individuals must submit the following supporting materials for the application to be considered complete:
- Curriculum vitae
- Title and summary of the clinical research project to be undertaken (no more than three pages)
- Project budget (with a maximum indirect rate of 10 percent)
- Letter of support from a research program director at the applicant’s institution
- Letter of sponsorship from a faculty mentor at the applicant’s institution
- Information about current and pending research funding (if any)
Recipients will be required to submit a final report within 90 days of completing the clinical research project.
Submission Instructions
- Prepare an email, attaching all supporting materials. You must include all documents in the same email for the application to be considered.
- Submit email
- If you do not receive a confirmation email within two business days, call 215.789.3609 for assistance
History and Funding
In 2004, the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) established the award in honor of Paul P. Carbone, MD (pictured at left). Dr. Carbone served as Group Chair of ECOG from 1970 to 1990. Visit the Carbone Foundation website to learn more about Dr. Carbone.
Funding for the Paul Carbone, MD Fellowship is provided by the ECOG Research and Education Foundation.
Deborah Deal
Mentoring Program Administrator
ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group
Phone: 215.789.3609
Award Selection and Announcement
A selection committee composed of members of the ECOG Research and Education Foundation Board of Directors reviews the applications and selects each year’s recipient. The Group Co-Chairs of ECOG-ACRIN announce the recipient of the award at the General Session of the semiannual Spring ECOG-ACRIN Group Meeting. The Foundation covers the travel costs for the fellow to attend this meeting and accept the award.