August 2023

August 25, 2023

Now Enrolling: EA3211 for Patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck

This phase 3 study of oligometastatic head and neck cancer is exploring whether it is more effective to add radiation therapy to standard immunotherapy in patients with stable disease after initial chemotherapy plus immunotherapy
August 25, 2023

Now Enrolling: EA7211/STRASS 2 for Patients with High-Risk Retroperitoneal Sarcoma

The ECOG-ACRIN Sarcoma Working Group has launched its first trial, an international collaboration to evaluate chemotherapy prior to surgery in patients with retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma or dedifferentiated liposarcoma
August 25, 2023

Amended Trial: Eligibility Expands in the EA8191/INDICATE Trial for Patients with Prostate Cancer

The changes broaden eligibility for prostate cancer patients and make baseline scanning easier for sites in this phase 3 trial using PET imaging to guide treatment for recurrence
August 25, 2023

Trial Spotlight: Efrat Dotan Gives an Update on the EA2186/GIANT Study for Older Adults with Pancreatic Cancer

The GIANT trial (EA2186) is the first randomized clinical trial to focus on vulnerable older adults with treatment-naïve metastatic pancreatic cancer who are not candidates for standard therapy.